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8 KL» I wish I could find it again. It is very nice.

0 unter den bieren» good bier does not need fruit

10 leatherfoot» The best"after you mow the lawn" beer there is.

8 MichMicrobrewRules» A regular for me. Nice evening starter. Bottled this is a 6 but on tap, this stuff is great. BW3s sells it and its great with wings. Very subtile strawberry taste not syrupy. The second one never tastes as good.

10 cheryel» this is a very smooth beer it is not overpowered by the strawberry flavor. I have not found a beer that I could say I love other than this one. Most beers are heavy and have an aftertaste that is intolerable to me, but this is comfortable.

11 NOOB» I usually hate beer, but this stuff is tasty... a unique flavor, probably as good as a strawberry blonde woman.

6 exodusone» This beer is alright. It's great to show off to people who have never heard about it. If you keep a Newcastle in the fridge (which loses it's taste) and taste PSB, they both in up having that strawberry taste.

5 govols 55» This beer kinda sucks. I was disappointed that there was little strawberry flavor. If you enjoy wheat beers it's ok.

10 Baldman» A good beer with light flavor that is tasty without being heavy. A regular passenger on my fridge-belly-recycle bin ride.

7 berelovre» I dated a wicked strawberry blonde once.

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